Frequently Asked Questions

What is Nextcloud?

Nextcloud Square Logo

Nextcloud is an opensource web platform providing free cloud storage and collaboration tools for everyone.

What does it take to run Nextcloud?

While the Nextcloud software is free it requires the following non-free resources:

  • Fast computer or server with lots of storage
  • High-speed Internet
  • User friendly domain name
  • IT maintenance

Why should I buy cloud services from Tensegrity Labs?

While there are many other businesses that offer free and professional cloud storage services, they all have the same problem. Another company has access and control over all the files you upload. At Tensegrity Labs, we decided to use our own cloud storage servers so that we can remain in control of our own data. It also allows us to build a custom collaboration platform with all the tools we need in one place.

Even though our cloud storage servers were originally intended for business only access, we found that our clients and even friends and family would rather trust us with their data than a giant corporation. Also, by buying services from us, you will be supporting a small family owned business who can be trusted not to sell your personal information.

Why do you keep changing your prices?

Providing this service to select clients, friends and family costs more money to run and maintain than if were to only use it for our business needs. As we grow, the cost will fluctuate based on the number of users we are supporting and the kinds of server upgrades required. We only change pricing when you renew and only when necessary.

Cloud Services Registration

Cloud Services Registration

Register for access to Tensegrity Labs cloud storage server

Payment Plan *
Save %17 with Yearly plan
Total available storage for your account.
Plan cost

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